
Read about how others have noticed Hashgachah Pratis in their daily lives. To submit a hashgachah pratis story that you personally know of, for possible inclusion in a future book, please email, or click here and fill out the form.

Crashing Glass And A Realization

On a chilly winter Friday evening, the Shabbos meal had just concluded. Nineteen-year-old Shlomo lounged on his living room sofa, positioned adjacent to his dining room’s mirrored closet doors. With the longer hours of a winter Shabbos night stretching ahead, Shlomo vacillated over beginning his weekly Torah study ritual—reading the portion twice in Hebrew (“shnayim…


Unexpected Find Leads To New Direction

Reb Tzvi (Hershel) Ettinger, a devout follower of the Belzer Rebbe, Reb Aharon Rokeach, was drafted into the Russian army before World War II. In the heat of a battle, his unit was ordered to ambush German planes from a concealed position in the ruins. Amid the debris, Reb Tzvi stumbled upon remnants of a…


A Serious Diagnosis Overturned

Yocheved received the bad news—the diagnosis of a dreadful disease at the age of 32. She and her husband immediately ran to Rav Shmuel Kamanetsky for a beracha. The day after receiving the Rosh Yeshivah’s blessing that all will, iy”H, be well, Yocheved was told by another Doctor (a second opinion), that the original bad…